Thursday, January 6, 2011

Break Day!

So you get to take a break today! How great is that? I have busy Thursdays so this is perfect for me. Next week, though, you won't get a break. Today, however, I'm going to do some yoga because it's relaxing and stretching out muscles I need stretched so as not to have them all bunched up if Tiece makes me run one of these days. Thankfully I enticed her with Thai food so she won't want to run yet :) Maybe she'll do Yoga with me :) I know she reads this, so we'll see. Anyway, enjoy your break and hop on the scale or take your measurements Sunday since you get another break there too. Gotta go do devotionals with the kiddos before school. A healthy recipe is below...since we're not working out today.

Don't forget yogurt, apples, avocado...etc. Great snacks these next 4 weeks when we're trying to shave an inch off our midsection.

Here's what we're having tonight:

Thai-flavoured sauce (yes, I'm also having Thai for lunch - get over it) by combining garlic, root ginger, de-seeded and chopped chillies, lime zest and juice, a handful of fresh coriander leaves and 1 tsp or so of sesame oil. Add salt and whiz in a food processor to a paste. Spread onto the salmon fillets and bake in a hot oven or place under the grill until the fish is done.

Since you already have ginger sitting around. Cook one of my sister's favorite things: heat a little olive oil or butter in a skillet and finely chop or slice ginger root. Then add green beans and cook until the green beans are crisp tender. It's awesome!

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