Tuesday, February 22, 2011


Ok so I did it! I got up early! Granted, it wasn't as early as I would have liked, but it's a start. I was up at 6:30AM and worked out for 30 minutes (6 songs) and then made Audrey breakfast, got her up and had her eat it, had her get dressed by herself (she does this anyway) and get all ready for school. By the time Audrey was done, it was another 30 minutes later, so I did my shoulder ripper and then the ab workout I LOVE from Nike Training Center. It's a solid 15 minutes of abs and it is painful. Then Audrey and Lew and I did our Bible study (we studying the names of Jesus right now) and we were off to drop Audrey off at school. I had time to make myself a smoothie when I got home. Since Lewie has been a little under the weather, I gave him some smoothie for breakfast and had him watch a show. I hung out with him, but I can't just watch a show because they bore me, so I used my dumbbells and just did some basic arm workouts. 30 minutes later, I've bonded with my son, and worked out at the same time. Now I have to put him to bed and do laundry and play a mean game of tic tac toe with the girl I babysit for on Tuesdays and Thursdays. I feel great! Perhaps tomorrow I will feel like crap, but at least for now I feel awesome! Who knew I used to get up at 6AM every day? I'm aiming for 6AM, but I'll settle for 6:30AM for a little while as I ease into it...

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