- Hot Feet - Stand with feet hip-width apart, then step out with right foot, bring left foot next to it, step out again with right foot (step-together-step), and bring your left knee and right elbow together. Repeat back and forth as fast as possible 10 times (5 times each direction). Then stand with feet wider than shoulders, lower into a squat and brings hands together in front of you, elbows bent. Alternate quickly like football feet up and down for 15 seconds. Bring feet in close and repeat for 15 seconds. Repeat everything once.
- Matrix Lunge - hold a weighted ball in front of you (or a dumbbell) at shoulder height arms extended, and stand with feet hip-width apart. Lunge forward with right leg, then step back to starting position, keeping right leg raised so you're balancing on your left leg. Lunge out to the right then return to starting position, still keeping right leg raised. Finally, lunge back with right leg, then return to starting position. Repeat with left leg to complete 1 rep. Do 5 reps.
- Around the World Push-Up - you should check out the video for this as the explanation is sketchy, but here it goes: Get in push-up position with hands slightly wider than shoulders. Bend elbows and lower chest toward ground, then press up. Bring your left hand out to the left and slightly back and your right foot out to the right and slightly forward (readjust your right hand and left foot) so you're turning a few inches to the left. Do another push-up and turn again, making your way around in a complete circle. (You'll do 8-10 push-ups) On the next set, rotate in the opposite direction.
- Single-Leg Bridge - this one hurts: Lie face up with knees bent, left foot on the ground. Loop the center of a resistance tube or band around right foot and extend right leg straight over hip, foot flexed. hold a handle in each hand at your sides on the ground, and keep them anchored there the entire time. lift hips so they're in line with torso, then lower them to within an inch of the ground and repeat. Do 12-15 reps, then switch sides to complete set.
- Sit Up, Stand Up - this takes forever, it seems like: Lie face up with a weighted ball in both hands behind head, arms and legs extended. Raise ball straight overhead and keep arms lifted as you roll up to a sitting position, then stand all the way up. Keep ball raised as you reverse the move to return to the starting position. Do 16 reps.
- Swan Dive - I've really noticed a better looking back thanks to this one: Lie face down with arms and legs extended a few inches off ground; look down. Raise arms, legs and chest a few more inches and bring arms out wide to sides as you spread legs. Hold for 1 count, then return to starting position (limbs are lifted) and repeat. Do 10 reps.
- Plank Jack - Get in modified plank position, balancing on your forearms elbows under shoulders. Tighten abs so body is straight from head to heels. Keeping torso tight, hop feet out wide. Hop feet back to starting position and repeat. Do 15 reps. Try not to let your butt lift.
New exercise: Using your Body as Weight.
What you do: perform 1 set of 8-16 reps of each move in order, then repeat the entire series 5 times. Don't rest between exercises and try not to rest for more than a minute between circuits unless you REALLY need a breather. Stretch the muscles you just used for a few minutes after each session. So do Circuit 1, 5 times then move on to Circuit 2 (do 5 times) then to Circuit 3 (do 5 times. It will go quicker that way in your mind.
1. Good Morning
Stand with feet hip-width apart and place your hands behind your head, elbows out. Contract abs and slowly bend forward from the hips until your torso is parallel to the ground (or as far as your can before your back starts to round). Try to maintain a very slight arch in your back, ad don't lock your knees or pull on your head. Hold the bent-over position for 3 seconds, breathing normally, then return to the starting position (squeeze your glutes and your shoulder blades together as you rise up) and repeat.
2. Side Triceps Extension
Lie on right side with legs extended and stacked on ground, feet flexed. You can use a rolled up towel under your hips. Grasp left shoulder with right hand and place left palm on ground under right upper arm. Keeping your hips and shoulders squared forward, press left palm into ground and lift upper body until arm is almost straight. Hold for 3 seconds, then return to the starting position; repeat. Switch sides to complete set.
3. Beach scissors
Balance on your right forearm, elbow aligned under shoulder and the outside of your right foot, feet stacked and flexed. Place left hand on hip and lift hips so your body is aligned from head to feet. Lift your left leg until it's even with hips, then slowly lower it onto your right foot and repeat. Switch sides to complete set.
1. Door Squat-And-Pull (I've used various types of playground equipment)
Stand facing the edge of a door. Grab a handle with each hand and place feet on either side of it, heels even with edge or forward a few inches (the closer your feet are to you, the easier the move is). Lean back with arms extended and lower into a squat. Keeping lower body still (don't straighten legs), pull your chest toward the door. Hold for 3 seconds then slowly straighten your arms again.
2. Shove Off
Stand facing something hip height (table, counter, wall, couch arm...etc). Stand with feet hip-width apart and fall onto it doing a push-up. Make sure your push-up takes about 3 seconds to complete, then forcefully push off so you come back to standing position.
3. Side V-Up (my new favorite to work ab muscles I didn't know I had!!)
Lie on your right side with legs straight, left arm behind head, and right arm extended in front of you on the ground. Roll back slightly. Draw your legs and left elbow toward each other as you rise up in a "V." Keep your legs straight and together. Return to the starting position and repeat. Switch sides to complete set.
1. Plie Squat on Toes
Stand with feet wide, toes turned out, and place hands behind head, elbows out. Rise onto your toes. Slowly lower into a plie squat, keeping heels off the ground, and hold for at least 10 seconds, breathing normally. return to the starting position and repeat.
2. Bird Dog (this one sucks)
Get in plank position on the ground, wrists aligned under the shoulders and abs tight, so your body is straight from head to heels. Extend your left arm forward to shoulder height as you lift right leg to hip level. Hold for 3 seconds, keeping hips and shoulders squared down, then return to the starting position and switch sides to complete 1 rep.
3. Pike Press (this one works major bra bulge!!)
Stand with feet hip-width apart, then bend over and place hands shoulder-width apart on the ground about 3 feet in front of toes. Keep hips piked in an inverted "V" and look at hands. Keep back straight and your heels on or close to the ground. Bend elbows and lower your nose toward the ground. Press up and repeat.
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