Monday, March 21, 2011

Before and After Photos!!

Ok, so things have been fine, but I feel like I'm getting down again. It usually happens just after mid month because I'm bored with my workout routine. I am bored with the Bikini Body Countdown and do not want to continue doing it, however, I am going to stick with it because it works! I just can't wait until the end of the month to get a new workout regiment from the - yeah, I'll say it- delicious looking Bob. I don't know what his orientation is, but he's just a good looking guy.

Now, I'm a little discouraged because last week I went back to the nutritionist and found out that while I lost 2% body fat, I also lost 2% muscle mass. Well, that doesn't do much good. I had lost weight, but not inches off any area except my stomach. I know, don't complain, right? And I'm kind of not. I do look in the mirror and am convinced that what I've been doing (Bikini Body Countdown) is working. I'm looking leaner and feeling better. But I don't want to lose muscle!! So my buddy Joel has me drinking a protein shake I make myself because I need life to be interesting. He even taught me how to make the shake into pudding and into mousse. I haven't tried the pudding or the mousse yet, but dude, those sound awesome! I'll get you the recipes when I dig them out of my purse.
So I have to put up pictures of myself for you. Both Before and After Pictures will follow a brief explanation. Now, you will laugh because I was trying to show all the muscle I've made since Christmas and the only way to do that is to pose like an idiot. I'm surprised my neighbor-friend was able to take the pictures because we were laughing so hard. Truly embarrassing, but as my friend said, "You said you'd do it, now you have to."
So the first picture is when I discovered Lew drinking my Dunkin' Donuts Coffee. I've added his picture as well. But here you can see my face which is a big place people show weight.
The next few are the only ones I could find with my long hair at Christmas time. It was the day I cut it. Now, granted, I'm in a big fluffy sweater, but trust me when I say I was wearing it for a reason. Muffin top, bra bulge, you name it, and I was trying to hide it in a very comfortable, and stylish sweater, but as I look at the photo, you can kind of tell I was a little more than squishy.

Here are the Before pictures - one has my hair in the pony tail and one I just took the pony tail out so you could see the length.

And finally here's the back of my now short hair:

And here are the cheesy After Photos. Since I have Lew in here, I had to have Audrey too, so there's a token "after photo" with Audrey. :)

Tuesday, March 15, 2011

For All Who Hate to Sweat

Hey Everyone! These photos are for all of you who hate to sweat! This is what I look like when I'm done working out. I tried to get the full effect of front and back. These are so gross! I know I still have to do before and after photos, but unfortunately, I can't find a Christmas photo that I'm in, so I'm still looking. Tomorrow I have my fat test after 3 weeks of just doing what I'm doing and once those results are in, I'll at least post an after photo for those of you still wanting to see my short haircut. Yes, I showered!

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